Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Unifying Purpose, and Harmony of Mind

When we are "of two minds", we are conflicted. We are pulled in two different directions, whether it be between two positive goals, or by one goal that both attracts and repels us. This puts us in a quandary, and we experience Stress.

The problem is that we are pulled in two directions, and we are Stuck.

Our salvation comes when we discover our Purpose, and we act in accordance with it. We can resolve our conflicts in accordance with what we have chosen/discovered to be our Greater Purpose.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

When we experience the stress of mental conflicts, we lose our harmony of mind. This can be a signal for us, to resolve the conflict in accordance with our life's Purpose.

This becomes a rule of thought for your mind, and conflicts begin to disappear before they begin!