Monday, August 16, 2010

Choice- Getting off autopilot, taking over the controls

As adults we choose what we focus on in our environment and how to react to it; but most of that “choosing” is simply based on what has happened in the past. And herein lies a most important point:

If the choices we make today are based on the sum total of the experiences we have experienced yesterday, plus the equipment we were born with, then we are simply on Automatic Pilot. We are simply the response, in a stimulus-response reality.

• Now there is a choice to make. We can deliberately take control of this process. We have been guilty of being on this “Automatic Pilot” existence far too much of the time.

It is time to take over the controls, to take over your own thoughts by purposefully focusing your thoughts. This takes them off Automatic Pilot and puts you at the controls.

There are some guiding principles that govern how we pilot our bubble of reality through the sea of life. It takes more than a super-powered engine and unlimited computational power to get anywhere. We begin our journey by looking at these, and at the super- powered engine that propels us.
We will examine ways we can overcome the bad programs that cripple our computer: fears, pain, inhibitions and false beliefs; even past successes and pleasures can do us in. We will learn how to take over from the autopilot, trim ship and find guidance and help on our journey through the land of Reality. Welcome aboard!

First let us “look under the hood” at this powerful engine that will pilot us through this Land of reality as we go off of “autopilot”.

We will look at a model of the Mind, as it is presented in The Psychology of Positive Thinking, in order to help understand how the mind works.
Visual of book

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