Saturday, February 14, 2009

The Power of Now, Purpose and Prayer

As we discussed in the previous post, we can become trapped in our past. Our stream of consciousness can become an instant replay of past life experiences, and we relate everything to the past. We begin to relive past painful experiences. We develop a negative outlook and focus on avoiding pain. We can become negative thinkers.

We become empowered when we raise our level of consciousness from the past to the present and future. Therein resides the power of positive thinking! There is no power to be had in the past; there is Power in the Present, in the Now. In the Present we are able to accomplish things. How do we get there?

There is Power in having Purpose. By finding a purpose that we wish to pursue, we focus on something positive, beyond our own self. We point ourselves toward the future, not the past. But not just a purpose-- a Purpose! Something that will draw us and keep us oriented forward over the long haul.

Finding a Purpose is an adventure in itself. This Purpose cannot be something within your grasp. It must be impossible at present. And BIG. Something outside your power, that will require a Higher Power to accomplish. Consult your Higher Power to discover your Higher Purpose.

There is Power in Prayer. Pray for guidance to discover this Higher Purpose. Ask God to reveal to you what His plan for you might be. And listen. Hopefully it will strike you as absurd for you to contemplate such a grand Purpose. That’s how you will know you are on the right Path.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

for more about prayer and the pursuit of purpose, see Rick Warren's website: