Tuesday, April 14, 2009

What’s in Your Reality?

You create your own reality, your own portion of reality or “bubble” of reality (as we have been calling it), by the portion of reality to which you attend. Over the course of your life you have created, and continue to create it.

What is in your bubble of reality? What do you spend time thinking about, attending to, focusing your life on? The scriptures advise us: “Finally, brothers and sisters, keep your thoughts on whatever is right or deserves praise: things that are true, honorable, fair, pure, acceptable, or commendable.” (Philippians 4:8 God’s Word Translation [©1995])

We are responsible for our own thoughts. Nobody else is. Spend time observing your own thoughts. On those occasions when your thoughts turn away from the Good, put yourself back on track. On those occasions you are not empowered, ask God for His help, He will empower you.

Ask God into your bubble of reality. Let Him be the Power and the Light and the Love in your world. With God in your bubble of reality, all Good things are possible. Let your reality be filled with love.


Unknown said...

Sometimes we feel too attached to a thought that seems too strong to overcome. An NLP technique that is helpful is to mentally withdraw from the thought, and "observe" it as if from a distance. From this detached position you can re-think or reframe that thought, shrink it down to a manageable size, and deal with it more effectively.

Anonymous said...

Very good post on knowing one's reality.

karim - Positive thinking