Saturday, September 4, 2010

forming your bubble of reality

How your bubble of reality is formed:

All of your experiences since birth have contributed to the formation of this bubble. These experiences dictated the formation of the various neuron networks/ pathways in your brain. These are the programs that form in the data bank of your brain, your computer. These programs create the artificial bubble, that contains your beliefs about yourself and the world you live in.

As previously mentioned, at first you exercised little choice in the formation of this bubble, experiences just happened to you. Gradually you took control of your own life, and started to assume control for which experiences you were part of. This program creation has continued to this day, and it has filled us with a world of knowledge and experience. This is a vast storehouse of resources we can use to our advantage. Yet too often we dredge up negative painful memories from the past to our detriment. We tend to act as if this past programming is reality itself, but it isn’t. It is all part of the limited past, which is also full of nonsense from our childhood, and the biases of our upbringing.

So you have this Super Computer- with infinite potential. Your mind has no limits. But if you are limited by your past experiences to instantly replay what has gone on before, you are re-living your past- trapped in your “bubble” of the past! Even if your past was very pleasant, it can still be a trap! In a way, your mind has been taken over by past programming!

This does sound like a “Catch-22”: your past has created your present mind-set, and your mind-set programming limits you to the past! How do we get around this? How do we guide our ship, our bubble of reality, to create a world that is more to our purpose, more to our liking? We will look at some “guiding principles” designed to do that, to expand our world in the direction of our own choosing.

You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. John 8:32

Guiding principle number one is to always seek the truth. For us to navigate our bubble of reality through the sea of reality, we need to be based in truth. The closer we come to a one-to-one correspondence between out bubble of reality and reality itself, the more we are empowered to navigate accurately. When we are in sync with reality, we are “in the zone”, and we are unstoppable!


We get out of this catch-22 trap (maybe we should call it “trap-22”) the same way we got into it! We can use the same programming principles that got us into our present state to propel us into a new future state: but this time on purpose, rather than by chance, or accident. We can become more selective and focus on what we want. We can purposefully focus on the positive.

The Power of Positive Thinking

More than fifty years ago, Norman Vincent Peale wrote his classic book on positive thinking. And it is as true today as it was then. You may be thinking, “Here we go again, this is simply saying we should ‘think positive.’” And yes, thinking positive is the key to escaping from the “trap-22”. By focusing on the positive, the things that we really want, we escape from our trap. But there is nothing “simple” about it. We need to find a way to do that!

“Think good thoughts, Peter!”
said Wendy to Peter Pan. Wendy’s advice helped Peter to fly again, at a time when Peter Pan had been thinking negatively.

The idea is to get new input into our mental programming. At one point I got hold of Norman Vincent Peale’s book The Power of Positive Thinking. And I was hooked! I became a positive thinking junkie! There followed a period in my life when I read everything I could get hold of on positive thinking, and motivational literature. I attended seminars, listened to tapes, took courses… and that did help a lot.

Chief among these was a seminar entitled “The Magical Formula for Dynamic Living”, led by Skip Ross. Skip taught that we bear a great responsibility for directing our own thoughts. His “principles of success” deal with maintaining thoughts that are positive and eliminating sources of negative thoughts. Skip says that we should screen out all sources of negative inputs whether they are on the radio or TV, in books, in the news, in the papers even negative friends!

The idea is that if we fill our data bank with positive thoughts, we will be positive. Most importantly we should think positively about others. If we say and think positive, loving things about each other, that goes into our “bubble of reality”. So fill your “bubble of reality”, your little corner of the world with positive, loving thoughts! The idea is to focus on what is good in life.
The scriptures give the same advice:

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. (Philippians 4:8)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

As you think so shall life bring you what you think about the most, so you better be thinking good thoughts. If your life seems full of bad things, you have no one else to blame. Check your thoughts very cafefully.