Thursday, November 8, 2012

The Law of SUBTRACTION, Think "Outside the Box" and the "Bubble of Reality"

Our past thoughts and experiences create a “Bubble of Reality” within which our consciousness is constrained to remain. This is the “box” we need to think outside of in order to overcome obstacles that we run into. The shell that boxes us in is the negative fear and limiting belief programs that we have mistakenly collected over our lifetime. THESE ARE THE NEGATIVE PROGRAMS that we subtract in order to expand beyond the limiting shell of our bubble. In the previous posts we discussed EFT and NLP fear and negative program removal techniques. There are other “energy” techniques helpful in overcoming negative emotional states such as meditation, and binaural brainwave stimulation. Perhaps most effective of all is prayer, and belief in a Loving God (“I will not fear when earthquakes come and the mountains crumble into the sea.”) AS WE SUBTRACT EACH NEGATIVE PROGRAM a crack in our limiting shell appears, weakening the negative energy forces that hold us back. We then reach a new level of consciousness, as Einstein recommends. Continuing down this path will enable us to progress into new expanding positive areas, eventually breaking free of our shell into a reality of infinite possibility.

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