Thursday, January 10, 2013

Become Friends with your SubConscious

Become Friends with your SubConscious. We tend to think of our Conscious mind as being in charge of our daily activities, the part of us that is in charge: the part that is “driving the bus”. While in a way that is true, our conscious mind is totally inadequate to run the show by itself. Our conscious mind is limited to processing seven (plus or minus two) bits of information at a time as the late George A Miller discovered more than fifty years ago. The rest of the (subconscious) mind has access to the unlimited information that is stored in the brain, and has unlimited processing power.

So while our conscious mind is nominally in charge, it is really dependent on the SubConscious rest of the mind, body and spirit to provide the data on which to proceed. The data/information flows on electromagnetic-chemical positive energy highways. Sometimes these highways can become blocked or impassable due to previous physical or emotional accidents, leaving the conscious mind to proceed on partial or incorrect data.

And unfortunately sometimes our conscious and SubConscious minds have opposing agendas. The SubConscious mind, for good reasons of its own, may block access to, clog up or otherwise sabotage what the conscious mind proposes to do. The positive energy stops flowing. You may get derailed by blockages on the highways. When the Conscious and SubConscious minds cooperate and communicate, and get on the same page, the energy flow is restored.

There are many approaches to restoring positive energy flow. Some approaches are physical and some are more spiritual; ancient and Eastern, or modern and Western; mind-based, body-based and spirit-based: these approaches all seem to work towards making the individual and even community an integrated, congruent whole. The next few posts will examine these approaches and refer the reader to various websites, most of which are free and contain powerful self-help tools.

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