Friday, November 30, 2012
QI: Entanglement energy
Entanglement energy. The hundred trillion cells in the body are interconnected:
1. By electrical energy .
2. By chemical energy .
3. Genetically, sharing the same DNA .
4. Historically- the millions of cells generated and regenerated daily are exact replicates of the cells they replace
The connecting pathways are the nerve pathways, the bloodstream, muscles, ligaments, the skeletal system, the epidermal system, and these are all interrelated and connected to the body organs. The pathways are called meridians in energy psychology. As long as the “Qi” energy is flowing smoothly we are in good shape.
The headquarters of all this is the conscious mind, pretty much in the cerebral hemispheres, connected to the field via these pathways.
It is as if You are the commanding general in this headquarters, coordinating activity in the field. You are dependent on your staff to run the day to day activities, and provide you with accurate information about conditions of the troops, supplies, lines of communication, morale, etc. While you are accountable for the progress of the campaign, you are dependent on the communications and supplies flowing through the pathways.
Energy psychology is all about removing blockages and keeping this Qi energy flowing smoothly.
body mind spirit,
energy psychology,
entanglement theory,
Monday, November 26, 2012
Body/Mind/Spirit: A Holistic Model
A model of the mind, such as the Hebbian model proposed in an earlier post and in The Psychology of Positive Thinking- that is concerned mainly with the two cerebral hemispheres- does not tell the whole story. Yes, the cerebral hemispheres do have about a hundred Billion neuron cells, which can produce an infinite number of neuron configurations, or circuits. Further, these neuron circuits may further combine and become thoughts, or programs, and account for an even higher order of infinity, and even for how we think.
When we consider the entire body however, we are now talking about a hundred Billion Billion (a hundred Trillion) cells, all interconnected with each other in an even higher order of infinity ways. Yes, they are connected physically, in the traditional (Western) scientific sense. And they are all connected energetically, in a more basic (Eastern) sense. All matter is composed of energy: matter is only a manifestation of the energy that constitutes it. Welcome to the world of quantum energy physics!
The old physical Newtonian laws (that we were all taught in school) break down as we approach the infinitely small, (subatomic) or infinitely large (the infinity of connections among a hundred trillion cells.) We are part of this quantum world where our concepts of time and space no longer apply. Our notion of physical reality is now being challenged by the idea that no physical thing is real, until it is observed or measured. Perhaps this is related to how we form our own personal “Bubble of Reality” we each find ourselves in.
Another feature of this world is Entanglement: when some particles (very small) divide, they remain related to each other, or entangled, even when separated across very large distances- they act as if there is no space or time separating them. As we move from body to mind to spirit, we may be entering this same quantum world, where far more than we ever imagined becomes possible. With these thoughts in mind we will look further into energy psychology.
Saturday, November 24, 2012
The “new” Energy Psychology: The body, mind and spirit connection.
The “new” Energy Psychology: The body, mind and spirit connection.
There is a “new” player in the western world when it comes to Psychological and Physiological healing practices. More than five thousand years ago ancient peoples in the Eastern world (and elsewhere) were practicing healing techniques that had nothing in common (except maybe the placebo effect) with modern day western medical practices. They believed that the mind and body are interconnected by a series of energy pathways and energy centers. There is an energy force, Qi (chi) that flows through the body and mind that regulates and keeps us healthy. The practices of acupuncture and acupressure were healing techniques used to regulate and balance this energy flow; and meditation, yoga, healing oils, herbs, mantras, and other practices were also used.
These healing techniques are still common in the Eastern world today, plus are beginning to be recognized in the West. Proponents claim these are very effective in curing many ailments, including some that the western medical establishment is unable to cure. These techniques have now been “proved” effective in clinical trials and properly controlled studies. Doctors are using these in conjunction with regular medical treatments and as stand-alone procedures.
Energy healing techniques have some significant advantages:
1-- They heal the mind, body and spirit: as one, connected, integrated whole.
2-- Side effects are more likely to be beneficial, rather that harmful.
3-- The techniques are non-invasive, and they do no harm.
4-- They are comparatively low cost, even free.
5-- Most procedures can be performed by the individual himself, on himself.
In the following posts we will examine the bona fides, and the pros and cons of some of these techniques.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
The Law of Attraction: Getting Beyond the Box
The Law of Attraction: Getting Beyond the Box
As we become clear of the negative forces (incorrect, negative fear programs) that are keeping us trapped in our box we become empowered to attract to ourselves the desires of our heart. The shell of the “bubble of reality” that we have formed (in a way, this is the reality that we have created for ourselves) vanishes and we gain access to the infinity of reality that lies beyond.
From this positive place, we begin to manifest our desires into our reality. What we ask for will be given to us.
There are some rules... What we ask for must be positive, imbued with our own positive feelings. The Greatest Miracle Worker ever, Jesus Christ, taught us how to ask: Therefore I say unto you, whatever things you desire, when you pray, believe that you will receive them, and you shall have them. (Mark 11:24, KJV) If you are not congruent in your request, or if you have doubts or fears interfering with your belief that you can receive your request, you may need to do more clearing work by subtracting negative programs, in order to congruently believe in your request.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
The Law of SUBTRACTION, Think "Outside the Box" and the "Bubble of Reality"
Our past thoughts and experiences create a “Bubble of Reality” within which our consciousness is constrained to remain. This is the “box” we need to think outside of in order to overcome obstacles that we run into. The shell that boxes us in is the negative fear and limiting belief programs that we have mistakenly collected over our lifetime.
THESE ARE THE NEGATIVE PROGRAMS that we subtract in order to expand beyond the limiting shell of our bubble. In the previous posts we discussed EFT and NLP fear and negative program removal techniques. There are other “energy” techniques helpful in overcoming negative emotional states such as meditation, and binaural brainwave stimulation. Perhaps most effective of all is prayer, and belief in a Loving God (“I will not fear when earthquakes come and the mountains crumble into the sea.”)
AS WE SUBTRACT EACH NEGATIVE PROGRAM a crack in our limiting shell appears, weakening the negative energy forces that hold us back. We then reach a new level of consciousness, as Einstein recommends. Continuing down this path will enable us to progress into new expanding positive areas, eventually breaking free of our shell into a reality of infinite possibility.
Bubble of Reality,
changing reality,
Mind model,
think outside the box
Monday, November 5, 2012
turning negatives into positives
The “new math”: you can turn a negative into a positive. We are seeking a “new level of consciousness”, as per Einstein’s suggestion that problems may only be solved from a different, new level of consciousness. For our purposes here that means reaching a positive level of consciousness. With the EFT and NLP techniques described in the earlier posts you are poised to achieve this. WHEN YOU SUBTRACT A NEGATIVE, IT IS THE EQUIVALENT TO ADDING A POSITIVE; thus you can reach a positive consciousness simply by subtracting the negative programs! Applying the EFT and NLP techniques have the effect of eliminating negative programs they are applied to! The negative programs are what constrains us to “staying within the box” as referred to in an earlier post. The negative programs- especially the fears and phobias- keep us from venturing outside our comfort zone.
This puts a whole new light on our negative fear, pain and other limiting programs. As we discover negative programs within ourselves we are actually faced with opportunity. These now become our pathway for a quantum leap to positive: as we discover these negative programs and divert them to positive ends we subtract the negatives. Freed of the negative program, our thinking expands outside the box and our consciousness expands.
All of a sudden it becomes desirable to encounter a negative program within yourself! This means that you have identified a negative that you can eliminate and therefore become more positive. As you eliminate your negative programs you are enabled to “pump yourself up” with positives, but not before because you self-sabotage your positive intents with the negative programs under the positive strata.
So priority #1 is to identify and delete the negative programs. It is as simple (not easy as) as 123:
1. Identify a negative program
2. Eliminate it with EFT or NLP technique (see previous 2 posts)
3. Repeat, repeat, repeat.
Start by making a list of all the instances that you find problematic. This would be situations that make you feel uneasy od uncomfortable. Next, apply the EFT tapping technique to that program. If this is a very problematic situation, that is GOOD. The more negative the program you eliminate, the more positive the gain. Finally, now search within for more problem areas. Odds are that you will become aware of deeper issues once you uncover the topmost problem. Continue down through the stack of negative issues and you will finally encounter the initial primal negative program. This is the initial NEGATIVE IMPRINT PROGRAM that you were most likely unaware of, and the elimination of which (by EFT or NLP technique) will propel you into a new state of consciousness OUTSIDE THE BOX!
positive change,
Positive Thinking,
think outside the box
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