Negative emotions such as anger, resentment and jealousy are potent stress producers, and as capable of blocking Flow as fear and pain. These are negative, aggressive states that likewise (to fear and pain) release the stress hormones, adrenaline and cortisol. If you are able to forgive and release your resentment that is best, and the part of you that is God will be pleased. If your resentment keeps you from forgiving you must release that resentment. Try tapping to the tune of “Even though I can’t let go of my anger while trying to forgive [person’s name], I deeply and completely love and accept myself” as the accepting statement (see 2 previous posts.) Follow this with tapping the other eight points, saying “this feeling of anger”, “this resentment” etc. Repeat until you are able to feel forgiveness, or acceptance of the other. This will release that block and positive energy will Flow.
NLP can also be used to take the “sting” out of fears and resentments. [See previous post.] Re-Frame the fear or anger by making a mental picture of the event. Make it in black and white, and very small to reduce the emotional impact you feel. Now take the mental picture and put it in a mental frame, with flashing lights embedded in the frame. Add some honky-tonk or circus music. Enjoy the Flow while the old negative block fades away!
Left unchecked the stressful effects of these negative emotions may cause emotional and health problems. Stress is thought to the major cause of ill health, and is known to cause heart and circulatory problems, ulcers, and a contributor to perhaps all diseases. Dr. Robert Sapolsky of Stanford gives a short YouTube video summary of these effects at: .
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Clearing Energy Blocks: De-Stress fears cont’d
Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) has a De-Stressing procedure that is likewise (to EFT) easy and fast. It is utterly simple to perform, and may even be done by oneself with little or no training. To learn this therapeutic technique one does not need an advanced degree or years of higher education. Nor spend months or years with a psychoanalyst (not to mention thousands of dollars.) It is NLP’s Fast Fear Removal Technique.
The Fast Fear Removal Technique is a purely mental technique that maintains positive energy flow while recalling the blocking fear-producing event in reverse. In terms of our mind/body/spirit energy flow model we have introduced flow into the phobia mix that blocked energy flow and caused the stress. So far so good, and this is similar to EFT. However, the added wrinkle of experiencing the fear event in reverse keeps the memory from being overwhelming and allows the phobic program and subprograms to now associate with flow. Flow and stress cannot coexist, the next time the phobia will be weaker. There will be flow at the end of the phobia tunnel!
The procedure is straightforward, and involves the following steps:
• First (to dissociate yourself and make the memory less threatening) be an observer: imagine yourself part of the audience in a movie theater.
• Watch as a small black and white picture that shows your fear experience episode starting before the event when you were safe and sound (with positive energy flowing) until afterwards when you are once again safe and sound at the end. If this is too threatening float up above yourself in the audience and watch from there.)
• Now watch the same fear experience in reverse, in fast backward motion starting at the end safe spot to the initial safe and sound spot. Repeat this procedure, but this time in full color, and jump into the action on the screen yourself in first person.
That’s it! You should now be able to face this previously un-faceable memory/thought.
There is a YouTube demonstration of this technique at . In this two minute video top NLP expert Paul McKenna cures a client of fear of needles. Watch as Paul leads the person through these simple steps. If you have a fear of your own, allow yourself to Join in, simply substituting your own private fear for the fear of needles.
The Fast Fear Removal Technique is a purely mental technique that maintains positive energy flow while recalling the blocking fear-producing event in reverse. In terms of our mind/body/spirit energy flow model we have introduced flow into the phobia mix that blocked energy flow and caused the stress. So far so good, and this is similar to EFT. However, the added wrinkle of experiencing the fear event in reverse keeps the memory from being overwhelming and allows the phobic program and subprograms to now associate with flow. Flow and stress cannot coexist, the next time the phobia will be weaker. There will be flow at the end of the phobia tunnel!
The procedure is straightforward, and involves the following steps:
• First (to dissociate yourself and make the memory less threatening) be an observer: imagine yourself part of the audience in a movie theater.
• Watch as a small black and white picture that shows your fear experience episode starting before the event when you were safe and sound (with positive energy flowing) until afterwards when you are once again safe and sound at the end. If this is too threatening float up above yourself in the audience and watch from there.)
• Now watch the same fear experience in reverse, in fast backward motion starting at the end safe spot to the initial safe and sound spot. Repeat this procedure, but this time in full color, and jump into the action on the screen yourself in first person.
That’s it! You should now be able to face this previously un-faceable memory/thought.
There is a YouTube demonstration of this technique at . In this two minute video top NLP expert Paul McKenna cures a client of fear of needles. Watch as Paul leads the person through these simple steps. If you have a fear of your own, allow yourself to Join in, simply substituting your own private fear for the fear of needles.
Paul McKenna,
phobia cure,
positive energy flow,
Friday, February 22, 2013
Clearing Energy Flow Blocks: Step one De-Stress
The number one enemy of flow is stress, and the number one cause of stress is Fear and Pain. When we eliminate these we eliminate that source of stress and experience more flow. We eliminate the anxiety and inhibition that automatically pumps through our body in the form of adrenaline and cortisol. This encourages the healing and restorative hormones to flow once more.
So Job #1 is to Eliminate Fear and Pain! Regardless if it is based on reality, or if it is just imaginary it still causes stress which blocks flow. Whether the root cause was physical or emotional pain, when we eliminate the associated stress we conquer the fear. To eliminate that stress we must “jump-start” the flow past the stress-producing block.
The good news is that there is a new hi-tech psychic stress-clearing method that eliminates fear and pain, or at least takes the “sting” out. It is safe, simple and fast; a child can do it. The trick is to jump-start positive energy flow at the same time the fear is present. This may be done through the body’s meridians, the channel through which the energy flows, by a form of acupressure. By gently tapping on these meridians (starting the flow) at the same time as the fear is being experienced (mentally focused on) the block is wiped out. When the fear is focused on again, the flow returns (simple association) and the block remains wiped out!
This procedure is called “Tapping”, or “Emotional Freedom Technique” (EFT). It was developed by Gary Craig and publicized and made available to all, FREE OF CHARGE, in 2004. It’s basically simple: while thinking of the fear tap with your fingers on the meridian points: 1) between the eyebrows, 2) at the side of the eye(s), 3) under the eye(s), 4) under the nose, 5) above the chin, 6) on the collar bone(s), 7) under the arm(s) 8) top of the head, and 9) on the Karate point on the side of the hand(s). The self-treatment starts with tapping on the 9) Karate point and talking about accepting the situation: “Even though I have this fear of public speaking (for instance) I completely accept myself.” The next step is tap on each meridian point while focusing on the fear, saying “this terrible fear”, “this fear of flying” etc. to maintain Flow.
That’s it! In summary you first tap the Karate chop point with the acceptance statement, then tap each of the other 8 points stating aloud that you have this fear, or pain. It takes about a minute. After completing one or two rounds of this observe yourself and sense if the pain, or the fear remains; if so repeat the procedure until it no longer bothers you.
There is a short video explaining tapping . There is also a Rod Sherwin video demonstration . By all accounts precise accuracy on the tapping points or the accompanying dialogue is unimportant. The simple intention of exposing the fear to healing Flow will win the day. For those interested in learning more, EFT founder Gary Craig maintains a website that has a wealth of information about tapping at:
So Job #1 is to Eliminate Fear and Pain! Regardless if it is based on reality, or if it is just imaginary it still causes stress which blocks flow. Whether the root cause was physical or emotional pain, when we eliminate the associated stress we conquer the fear. To eliminate that stress we must “jump-start” the flow past the stress-producing block.
The good news is that there is a new hi-tech psychic stress-clearing method that eliminates fear and pain, or at least takes the “sting” out. It is safe, simple and fast; a child can do it. The trick is to jump-start positive energy flow at the same time the fear is present. This may be done through the body’s meridians, the channel through which the energy flows, by a form of acupressure. By gently tapping on these meridians (starting the flow) at the same time as the fear is being experienced (mentally focused on) the block is wiped out. When the fear is focused on again, the flow returns (simple association) and the block remains wiped out!
This procedure is called “Tapping”, or “Emotional Freedom Technique” (EFT). It was developed by Gary Craig and publicized and made available to all, FREE OF CHARGE, in 2004. It’s basically simple: while thinking of the fear tap with your fingers on the meridian points: 1) between the eyebrows, 2) at the side of the eye(s), 3) under the eye(s), 4) under the nose, 5) above the chin, 6) on the collar bone(s), 7) under the arm(s) 8) top of the head, and 9) on the Karate point on the side of the hand(s). The self-treatment starts with tapping on the 9) Karate point and talking about accepting the situation: “Even though I have this fear of public speaking (for instance) I completely accept myself.” The next step is tap on each meridian point while focusing on the fear, saying “this terrible fear”, “this fear of flying” etc. to maintain Flow.
That’s it! In summary you first tap the Karate chop point with the acceptance statement, then tap each of the other 8 points stating aloud that you have this fear, or pain. It takes about a minute. After completing one or two rounds of this observe yourself and sense if the pain, or the fear remains; if so repeat the procedure until it no longer bothers you.
There is a short video explaining tapping . There is also a Rod Sherwin video demonstration . By all accounts precise accuracy on the tapping points or the accompanying dialogue is unimportant. The simple intention of exposing the fear to healing Flow will win the day. For those interested in learning more, EFT founder Gary Craig maintains a website that has a wealth of information about tapping at:
Gary Craig,
positive energy flow,
stress management,
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Mind/Body/Spirit Flow: The Society of Mind
In his book The Society of Mind, Marvin Minsky proposed that the mind functions like a society, made up from smaller parts which of themselves have no consciousness, but taken together, and interacting together, constitute the mind. Much of his theory was developed from his work with Artificial Intelligence (AI) as founder and head of MIT’s AI lab. Marvin’s next book was The Emotion Machine, perhaps in recognition that his earlier model of the mind made up from parts developed from AI is not equal to the task of explaining human consciousness.
The “society” idea is a good one, and we will borrow it for a Society of Mind/Body/Spirit concept. We are beings combined from matter and energy of mind and body and spirit. With Einstein and the advent of quantum physics we now know that the matter and energy are essentially the same (Energy = Mass X the speed of light squared) much as ice, water and steam are related. There is a quantum mechanical flow within us, among body mind and spirit; perhaps this is the positive energy flow, or qi revered by the ancients. This energy flows chemically, electrically, magnetically, and by vibrations and waves, throughout our nerves, bloodstream and other body tissues. And true to its quantum nature it is not limited by space or time. Like electricity it flows from source to ground, freely; unless there is a short in the circuit, which disrupts this Society of Mind, Body and Spirit.
The “society” idea is a good one, and we will borrow it for a Society of Mind/Body/Spirit concept. We are beings combined from matter and energy of mind and body and spirit. With Einstein and the advent of quantum physics we now know that the matter and energy are essentially the same (Energy = Mass X the speed of light squared) much as ice, water and steam are related. There is a quantum mechanical flow within us, among body mind and spirit; perhaps this is the positive energy flow, or qi revered by the ancients. This energy flows chemically, electrically, magnetically, and by vibrations and waves, throughout our nerves, bloodstream and other body tissues. And true to its quantum nature it is not limited by space or time. Like electricity it flows from source to ground, freely; unless there is a short in the circuit, which disrupts this Society of Mind, Body and Spirit.
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Mind/Body/Spirit, The Model: A Quantum/mechanical system
The original YMCA logo of “Spirit, Mind, Body” is a triangle with those three words written on the triangle itself, symbolizing the three-fold nature of a person, and the intent of the YMCA to develop all three aspects. Today, nearly two hundred years after the founding of the YMCA, modern day science (even in the western world) is beginning to agree. Today we are discovering that we and our world are, at the basic quantum level, energy. The traditional view of body mind and spirit being separate entities is being outdated. This logo now also an appropriate model for how the mind, body and spirit interconnect and energy flows among them.
The model of the mind proposed in The Psychology of Positive Thinking based on the programming of neurons in the brain, we can now see, did not go far enough. It is fine as far as it goes, but the mind is more than the neural circuit programs built up amongst the hundred odd billion neurons in the brain. It is more likely built up amongst the fifty Trillion odd cells throughout the body, and connected by electrical, chemical, light and (far subtler) quantum energies as well, energies that are not bound by either time or space.
In terms of our quantum mechanical model of our Mind/Body/Spirit system, as long as positive energy flows freely, the system is performing optimally, as it was intended to; we are “in the flow”. If there is an interruption in the flow, or a blockage occurs, performance suffers.
The previous series of posts on Mind/Body/Spirit proposes various methodologies for increasing energy flow in our system. Next we will offer suggestions on a concrete set of procedures for maximizing positive energy flow that are easy to do and fast.
The model of the mind proposed in The Psychology of Positive Thinking based on the programming of neurons in the brain, we can now see, did not go far enough. It is fine as far as it goes, but the mind is more than the neural circuit programs built up amongst the hundred odd billion neurons in the brain. It is more likely built up amongst the fifty Trillion odd cells throughout the body, and connected by electrical, chemical, light and (far subtler) quantum energies as well, energies that are not bound by either time or space.
In terms of our quantum mechanical model of our Mind/Body/Spirit system, as long as positive energy flows freely, the system is performing optimally, as it was intended to; we are “in the flow”. If there is an interruption in the flow, or a blockage occurs, performance suffers.
The previous series of posts on Mind/Body/Spirit proposes various methodologies for increasing energy flow in our system. Next we will offer suggestions on a concrete set of procedures for maximizing positive energy flow that are easy to do and fast.
Friday, February 15, 2013
Mind/Body/Spirit V: Mind Energy flow- “chakras”
According to the ancient eastern traditions (qi) positive energy flows throughout the body, passing through energy centers, or “chakras” that are associated with various body systems. When the energy flows freely and is balanced among these chakras the individual enjoys good health in mind, body and spirit. There is a website with a basic explanation of chakras, and links to sites with further explanation of the chakras. There is also information for healing energy imbalances and blockages at a website: Chakras-for-beginners.
The chakras are associated with endocrine gland sites, that can indeed influence beneficial hormonal activity in the body. These are thought by some to be controllable by the individual for himself, and even for others, at a distance, even a great distance as in Reiki healing: . More information regarding chakras may be found here:
The chakras are associated with endocrine gland sites, that can indeed influence beneficial hormonal activity in the body. These are thought by some to be controllable by the individual for himself, and even for others, at a distance, even a great distance as in Reiki healing: . More information regarding chakras may be found here:
body mind spirit,
endocrine glands,
Energy healing,
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Mind/Body/Spirit V: Mind Energy flow- The Power of Now
Eckhart Tolle wrote the book on The Power of Now. He had suffered for many years from the memories of a painful childhood. He tried in vain to resist these but found, as the saying goes, “what one resists, persists.” Eckhart became aware that these pain/memory vestiges were not under his control and termed them the “pain body.” He realized this was not part of his present “now” self, and in this realization was able to dispel it. Now Eckhart is a world-famous spiritual leader and devotes his life to helping others find this same enlightenment.
Vishen Lakiani, founder of Mindvalley, a superpower in the personal growth field agrees that you have to be happy in the now, to fulfill your personal growth vision. What has made his company so successful is that in running his company, he practices the enlightenment that he preaches. The following video shows the steps he follows with his company; it is also instructive for us as individuals:
When we are happy in the now, we experience positive energy flow.
Vishen Lakiani, founder of Mindvalley, a superpower in the personal growth field agrees that you have to be happy in the now, to fulfill your personal growth vision. What has made his company so successful is that in running his company, he practices the enlightenment that he preaches. The following video shows the steps he follows with his company; it is also instructive for us as individuals:
When we are happy in the now, we experience positive energy flow.
Pain body,
positive energy flow,
The Power of Now,
Vishen Lakiani
Monday, February 11, 2013
Mind/Body/Spirit V: Mind Energy flow- NLP
Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a related technique, borrowing from hypnosis and meditation some effective ways of working fairly directly with the subconscious. Those skilled in NLP have learned how to make positive to the people they work with without seemingly doing anything more out of the ordinary than having a conversation.
The NLP techniques are usually administered by someone well versed in NLP methodology, but may also be self-administered. A variety of these techniques are discussed on the NLP-techniques website. With some modifications an individual can apply them himself. A YouTube video about a Fast phobia cure shows how simple the technique can actually be.
The NLP techniques are usually administered by someone well versed in NLP methodology, but may also be self-administered. A variety of these techniques are discussed on the NLP-techniques website. With some modifications an individual can apply them himself. A YouTube video about a Fast phobia cure shows how simple the technique can actually be.
Friday, February 8, 2013
Mind/Body/Spirit V: Mind Energy flow- hypnosis
Hypnosis and self-hypnosis are another way to induce meditative states and their characteristic beneficial brainwave patterns. The popularized “stage hypnosis” wherein the subject is hypnotized to manifest bizarre, and seemingly impossible behaviors illustrates the process: First a meditation-like state is induced, next a belief-altering suggestion is given, and finally the outrageous behavior that was suggested is manifested. So the subject is Guided (by suggestion) during Meditation (hypnotized state.) This turns out to be another form of Guided Meditation, our friend in the previous post!
Self-hypnosis (when seen simply as guided meditation) is an easy concept to understand, and much more appealing than the vaudeville variety. The elements of inducing the hypnotic trance are:
1. Get into a comfortable position (sitting is fine.)
2. Close your eyes and relax.
3. Observe yourself breathing (deep, “belly” breathing is most beneficial.)
4. Clear your thoughts of all but one “focusing” thought, sound or image, etc.
The above are the ingredients for inducing the meditation brainwave patterns. In and of itself this is a beneficial, de-stressing condition. Other beneficial results, depending on the individual’s needs may also be obtained.
There are many hypnosis-assisting audios and videos available on the web. You can simply Google “free hypnosis YouTube” which will lead you to a wide variety of selections for simple relaxation, smoking cessation, weight loss, confidence etc. Also available for free is a hi-tech video “Rejuvenate” that combines hypnosis, meditation and binaural aspects: .
Harry Carpenter has written a great book about how to access the power of your subconscious mind through self-hypnosis, with simple instructions on how to do this. It is available as a book, or on Kindle, for $4.99: . You can get a FREE Kindle Ap for your laptop or handheld device so you do not need a Kindle device to get this book for $4.99.
Self-hypnosis (when seen simply as guided meditation) is an easy concept to understand, and much more appealing than the vaudeville variety. The elements of inducing the hypnotic trance are:
1. Get into a comfortable position (sitting is fine.)
2. Close your eyes and relax.
3. Observe yourself breathing (deep, “belly” breathing is most beneficial.)
4. Clear your thoughts of all but one “focusing” thought, sound or image, etc.
The above are the ingredients for inducing the meditation brainwave patterns. In and of itself this is a beneficial, de-stressing condition. Other beneficial results, depending on the individual’s needs may also be obtained.
There are many hypnosis-assisting audios and videos available on the web. You can simply Google “free hypnosis YouTube” which will lead you to a wide variety of selections for simple relaxation, smoking cessation, weight loss, confidence etc. Also available for free is a hi-tech video “Rejuvenate” that combines hypnosis, meditation and binaural aspects: .
Harry Carpenter has written a great book about how to access the power of your subconscious mind through self-hypnosis, with simple instructions on how to do this. It is available as a book, or on Kindle, for $4.99: . You can get a FREE Kindle Ap for your laptop or handheld device so you do not need a Kindle device to get this book for $4.99.
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Mind/Body/Spirit V: Positive Energy- Brainwave entrainment
Technology that can induce brainwave patterns similar to those found during meditation has been developed recently. The methodology used is to present slightly different sounds to the left and right ears simultaneously. The brain, in an effort to reconcile these two signals into one coherent signal performs an adjustment process between the left and right brains; this produces synchronization of the two hemispheres as they communicate back and forth. Depending upon the degree of difference between the two signals, alpha, delta or theta brainwave patterns may be induced. It is claimed that the resulting effect is similar to meditation.
One company that produces this technology claims that listening to their brainwave audios will “have you meditating like a monk!” They offer free ten minute samples of their product and offer for sale a presumably more effective, longer version. More information is on their website “Holosync:” " On the other hand there is a FREE one hour Binaural Brainwave recording available at . Other free and low cost recordings can be found by googling “binaural brainwaves on youtube”.
One company that produces this technology claims that listening to their brainwave audios will “have you meditating like a monk!” They offer free ten minute samples of their product and offer for sale a presumably more effective, longer version. More information is on their website “Holosync:” " On the other hand there is a FREE one hour Binaural Brainwave recording available at . Other free and low cost recordings can be found by googling “binaural brainwaves on youtube”.
body mind spirit,
Brainwave entrainment,
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Mind/Body/Spirit V: Positive Energy flow- meditation practices
There has been an increase in the popularity of meditation over the past fifty years; perhaps a reflection of the increasingly busy hectic life in the Western world as the population abandons the country in favor of the city life. Meditation techniques calm and relax the stressed-out mental state that accompanies the urban rat race. This de-stressing effect of meditation has been observed in hundreds of medical scientific studies, and meditation is respected as an aid to medical treatment, even by the AMA. There is a good overview of this topic on a WebMD website:
The UCLA School of Medicine has made information and meditations podcasts available, for FREE, on at its website: . One remarkable selection, and especially relevant to Positive Energy, is their “Loving Kindness Meditation.” Their first offering “Complete Meditation Instructions” is an excellent example of a non-specific, calming meditation, and instructive. Another, free meditation offering site is: . Next we will look at some high tech brain stimulation techniques that purport to mimic meditation practices.
The UCLA School of Medicine has made information and meditations podcasts available, for FREE, on at its website: . One remarkable selection, and especially relevant to Positive Energy, is their “Loving Kindness Meditation.” Their first offering “Complete Meditation Instructions” is an excellent example of a non-specific, calming meditation, and instructive. Another, free meditation offering site is: . Next we will look at some high tech brain stimulation techniques that purport to mimic meditation practices.
Saturday, February 2, 2013
Mind/Body/Spirit V: Positive Energy flow- meditative states
Most of us live busy lives, scurrying about doing stuff. We are in the Rat Race, responding to “triggers” at work, at home, and sometimes even in our off-duty pleasure activities. Our brain wave pattern reflects this frenetic trigger-to-trigger time: it is called the “Beta” brain wave pattern with matching frenetic up and down movements. It looks stressful, and it is. The meditative states, up to and including sleep, are typically smoother and even look calmer! See this informative and entertaining ten minute “Ted Talk”:
Scientific/medical studies have shown that these meditative states indeed have physical and chemical effects on their practitioners; their blood chemistry shows increased levels of de-stressor hormones. These studies show meditators to be significantly happier and healthier. We will consider four of these meditative states: Prayer, Traditional, Guided, and Brainwave entrainment meditative states.
Prayer: There are many accounts of the positive effects of prayer, and prayers being answered. Most people, at least in the United States, pray and believe in the healing power of prayer, even in the absence of “scientific”, explanations for how this occurs. The traditional medical establishment has refused to consider the possibility of spiritual healing, but that is now changing. The site: gives us an update: even the NIH is now studying this possibility.
Barbara Bradley Haggerty, author of the book Fingerprints of God, has spent a year researching the connection between science and spirituality, and reports that there is strong evidence for the healing effect on those who pray, but the “scientific” evidence is mixed when the effect on the recipient of prayer is being tested. This is summarized in her interview with NPR: . The jury is still out, however; the traditional scientific method and measuring instruments may not be equal to testing in the world of the Spirit. Time will tell!
Scientific/medical studies have shown that these meditative states indeed have physical and chemical effects on their practitioners; their blood chemistry shows increased levels of de-stressor hormones. These studies show meditators to be significantly happier and healthier. We will consider four of these meditative states: Prayer, Traditional, Guided, and Brainwave entrainment meditative states.
Prayer: There are many accounts of the positive effects of prayer, and prayers being answered. Most people, at least in the United States, pray and believe in the healing power of prayer, even in the absence of “scientific”, explanations for how this occurs. The traditional medical establishment has refused to consider the possibility of spiritual healing, but that is now changing. The site: gives us an update: even the NIH is now studying this possibility.
Barbara Bradley Haggerty, author of the book Fingerprints of God, has spent a year researching the connection between science and spirituality, and reports that there is strong evidence for the healing effect on those who pray, but the “scientific” evidence is mixed when the effect on the recipient of prayer is being tested. This is summarized in her interview with NPR: . The jury is still out, however; the traditional scientific method and measuring instruments may not be equal to testing in the world of the Spirit. Time will tell!
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