Sunday, February 24, 2013

Clearing Energy Blocks: De-Stress fears cont’d

Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) has a De-Stressing procedure that is likewise (to EFT) easy and fast. It is utterly simple to perform, and may even be done by oneself with little or no training. To learn this therapeutic technique one does not need an advanced degree or years of higher education. Nor spend months or years with a psychoanalyst (not to mention thousands of dollars.) It is NLP’s Fast Fear Removal Technique.

The Fast Fear Removal Technique is a purely mental technique that maintains positive energy flow while recalling the blocking fear-producing event in reverse. In terms of our mind/body/spirit energy flow model we have introduced flow into the phobia mix that blocked energy flow and caused the stress. So far so good, and this is similar to EFT. However, the added wrinkle of experiencing the fear event in reverse keeps the memory from being overwhelming and allows the phobic program and subprograms to now associate with flow. Flow and stress cannot coexist, the next time the phobia will be weaker. There will be flow at the end of the phobia tunnel!

The procedure is straightforward, and involves the following steps:
• First (to dissociate yourself and make the memory less threatening) be an observer: imagine yourself part of the audience in a movie theater.
• Watch as a small black and white picture that shows your fear experience episode starting before the event when you were safe and sound (with positive energy flowing) until afterwards when you are once again safe and sound at the end. If this is too threatening float up above yourself in the audience and watch from there.)
• Now watch the same fear experience in reverse, in fast backward motion starting at the end safe spot to the initial safe and sound spot. Repeat this procedure, but this time in full color, and jump into the action on the screen yourself in first person.
That’s it! You should now be able to face this previously un-faceable memory/thought.

There is a YouTube demonstration of this technique at . In this two minute video top NLP expert Paul McKenna cures a client of fear of needles. Watch as Paul leads the person through these simple steps. If you have a fear of your own, allow yourself to Join in, simply substituting your own private fear for the fear of needles.

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