Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Mind/Body/Spirit V: Mind Energy flow- The Power of Now

Eckhart Tolle wrote the book on The Power of Now. He had suffered for many years from the memories of a painful childhood. He tried in vain to resist these but found, as the saying goes, “what one resists, persists.” Eckhart became aware that these pain/memory vestiges were not under his control and termed them the “pain body.” He realized this was not part of his present “now” self, and in this realization was able to dispel it. Now Eckhart is a world-famous spiritual leader and devotes his life to helping others find this same enlightenment.

Vishen Lakiani, founder of Mindvalley, a superpower in the personal growth field agrees that you have to be happy in the now, to fulfill your personal growth vision. What has made his company so successful is that in running his company, he practices the enlightenment that he preaches. The following video shows the steps he follows with his company; it is also instructive for us as individuals: http://www.mindvalley.com/goal-setting-redefined/

When we are happy in the now, we experience positive energy flow.

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