Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Mind/Body/Spirit V: Positive Energy- Brainwave entrainment

Technology that can induce brainwave patterns similar to those found during meditation has been developed recently. The methodology used is to present slightly different sounds to the left and right ears simultaneously. The brain, in an effort to reconcile these two signals into one coherent signal performs an adjustment process between the left and right brains; this produces synchronization of the two hemispheres as they communicate back and forth. Depending upon the degree of difference between the two signals, alpha, delta or theta brainwave patterns may be induced. It is claimed that the resulting effect is similar to meditation.

One company that produces this technology claims that listening to their brainwave audios will “have you meditating like a monk!” They offer free ten minute samples of their product and offer for sale a presumably more effective, longer version. More information is on their website “Holosync:” " On the other hand there is a FREE one hour Binaural Brainwave recording available at . Other free and low cost recordings can be found by googling “binaural brainwaves on youtube”.

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